The 5 Best Views of Berlin
Date: 18 December, 2015
Since the dawn of time man has always sought to climb the highest peaks and for modern day travellers, it's no different. The desire to feel like a giant is almost immediate when arriving somewhere new. Looking out at sensational vistas gives you a sense of calm, allows you to pick out famous spots and draw a mind map of the place you are visiting. While Berlin may be lacking in mountains, it more than makes up for it with great spots to gaze out over the city.
15 Things In Prague For Under €5
Date: 24 March, 2015
€5 = approx 138CZK (depending on the currency rate). Prague is a super cheap place so you'll be surprised how far exactly 138CZK can get you. At HostelCulture, we know how important keeping to your budget is, so I've compiled a list of the best things to do for under 138CZK!
Definitive Guide To Cheap Local Eats In Prague
Date: 12 March, 2015
Coming to the Czech Republic can be overwhelming, especially as the language is so totally different to those of Western Europe. Which makes finding food (and knowing what it is) that much more difficult. Below I have compiled a list of the most popular (read: delicious) local foods, which are always, ALWAYS super cheap.
15 Things You Can Do For Under €5 In Dublin
Date: 10 March, 2015
Dublin is a little gem of a city. With thousands of pubs, dozens of parks and a million friendly locals, it has a great reputation with backpackers! Although like most European capitals it is on the expensive side of things, but there is so much you can do Dublin on the cheap. For example, these 15 things you can do for under €5 in Dublin...
14 Things You Can Do For Under €5 In Budapest
Date: 17 February, 2015
As most avid travellers know Budapest is a pretty cheap place to visit, and that it is! But what, where, what can you do if you're on a really cheap budget? We've got 15 pretty great things you can do to enjoy Budapest all without spending more than €5!